

Saturday, 7 April 2012

FW: [Release Tension] Strange and Exotic Endangered Species

The bladder-chewing guppy not enough for you? Can’t stop thinking about exploding ants, boyfriend-devouring she-monsters of the sea and blood-spurting lizards? Don’t worry - terrifying oneself is a common ailment of the intertubes. Unfortunately, there is no cure…but there is more to learn! Reader, prepare thyself. Your eyeballs are about to be flooded with some of the strangest, creepiest, crawliest endangered creatures on the planet. Warning: content best consumed as far away from bedtime as possible.
 Glass Frog

The glass frog is endangered, as well. And absolutely stunning, so it would be a shame if we let it die out. Note the visible organs in this beautiful specimen. Unfortunately, with tropical rain forests in Central and South America threatened (in some places, the problem is actually worse than it was in previous decades), the glass frog may go extinct.
 Chinese Giant Salamander
Something tells us these giant salamanders were never called for in any witch’s recipe. Seriously, look at that thing! That lives under some people’s porches! The United States is also home to a giant salamander called the Hellbender, and it’s…well, the name fits. However, it is not as endangered as the shockingly strange-looking Chinese cousin. The Chinese giant salamander can grow to be nearly six feet long
 Crinoid Snapping Shrimp
The tiny Crinoid snapping shrimp is the tiniest of all the snapping shrimp, and the only one that is endangered. The snapping shrimp is often called the pistol shrimp because it comes with its very own “gun” by which it makes a loud cracking, shooting noise. It really only shoots air, but the stun gun is enough to knock out prey foolish enough to swim past.
 Frigate Island Beetle
Put anything in a place where it’s hot and wet 99% of the time, and it will grow. Whether it’s a fern, a vine or a dear-Jesus-that’s-horrifying beetle, things just come bigger in the tropics. The seriously endangered and geographically unique Frigate Island Beetle is no exception. It’s the largest of the tenebrionid beetles and the most at risk. If you ever leave the internet long enough to visit Frigate Island and you pick up a beetle and it stains your hands and clothes with a “musky” scented purple ink, put that little guy somewhere safe! You’ve just happened upon a Frigate Island beetle.
 Giant Coconut Crab
This is not shopped. This is not a hoax. That is a giant crab on a garbage can. They’re native to Guam and other Pacific islands. Coconut crabs aren’t endangered, per se, but due to tropical habitat destruction they are at risk. In WWII, American soldiers stationed in the Pacific theater wrote home with tales about entire atolls being covered in the armor-plated giants. These crabs can crack a coconut in one swipe; but they’re generally too slow to be very dangerous to humans. Children pass lazy afternoons by picking the crabs off tree trunks and watching them crash to the ground; it’s reportedly great fun. And kind of messed up.
 Giant Palouse Earthworm
At lengths of up to one foot, the Giant Palouse is the largest earthworm on earth. It’s quite harmless, but unfortunately it’s endangered all the same. It lives in Eastern Washington State and Idaho and was thought to be extinct until 2005, when a student discovered a living specimen. Previous sightings hadn’t happened since the 1980s. Part of the reason it’s so hard to find the Giant Palouse? They burrow 15 feet into the ground.
 Goliath Bird Eating Spider
Only the biggest spider on earth, this plate-sized bird-gnawing beast actually prefers to feast on smaller fare, like bats, bugs, and annoying children. In other words, the bird-eating spider rarely eats birds. Sure. Anyway, like its tarantula cousin (the whistling spider) the Goliath or bird-eating spider is at risk due to its Amazonian habitat destruction. Though tarantulas are scary, they’re fairly harmless to humans.
 Hairy Nosed Wombat
Though it looks similar to the standard wombat, the hairy nosed wombat possesses some unique features. Among the rarest mammals in the world, it has a backwards-opening pouch and is the largest burrowing herbivorous mammal known to humans. The other oddity of the hairy nosed wombat is that its teeth continue to grow throughout its life - now that’s long in the tooth!
 Honduran Ghost Bat
The Honduran ghost bat is not officially endangered, but many American ecologists consider it to be threatened due to rain forest habitat destruction and climate change. It is unique, both for its tiny size (just a few centimeters) and its pale coloring.
A rare New Zealand bird, not much is known about the enigmatic Kagu. It is flightless, though its wings are large; it is a forest-dweller, though its markings are oddly light in color. Very few remain and scientists know little about its preferences and habits. We do know that it possesses “nasal corns” unlike any other bird. For reasons unknown, the kagu also has one-third the red blood count of other birds. Scientists have had a difficult time classifying this rare and unusual bird.
 Komodo Dragon
Threatened by both volcanoes and humans, this fascinating prehistoric relic is endangered. At 10 feet and 330 pounds, it is the largest lizard in existence. They have poor hearing and cannot run very fast for very long, instead relying on their sharp eyesight and powers of stealth to hunt. It possesses serrated teeth and has nasty attack habits, preferring to jab at the feet or drag its prey along for a bit before finishing off the deed. If an animal is lucky enough to get away, it will soon die from massive infection thanks to the komodo’s specialized bacteria. Komodos will eat nearly anything, living or dead, including their own young. Unlike the great cats, they will also eat nearly all of their kill, even the intestines, although they do swing those around to expel the feces first as they really don’t like excrement. For this reason, baby komodos roll themselves in feces to avoid being eaten.
 Mallorcan Midwife Toad
The Mallorcan Midwife toad…is a dude. In a gender-bender twist that seems to occur a lot in the frog world, this toad swaps child-bearing and child-rearing duties. The father serves as a surrogate for the tots until they hatch, and even cares for them after. Mom, meanwhile, hunts and generally stays out partying every night. Females will even compete with each other for mating rights, much like males of other animal species.
 Mexican Walking Fish
The Mexican walking fish is on the verge of extinction. It’s a caecilian (more about that in a bit), and it lives in - where else? - the waters off Mexico . It’s also important because it will be the only cute animal in this entire post. Awww. It really is cute, isn’t it? It’s always nice to start things off gently. Digital foreplay, if you will.
 Quacking Frog
The quacking frog makes a sound that is just like a small duck. Go on, listen! Unfortunately, like many frogs, the quacking frog is endangered. Scientist are particularly concerned when frogs disappear or show signs of stress, because frogs are considered indicator species.
 Lord Howe Island Stick Insect
Delightfully crisp! Kidding, kidding. There are hundreds of stick insects, but the Lord Howe Island stick insect is by far the most critically endangered of all of them. It can grow to five inches in length; but don’t worry, it’s not poisonous. Just crunchy.
Think of this cheery critter as you would a common mouse: not terribly enjoyable to have underfoot, but vital to the ecosystem all the same. The weta is native to New Zealand and while it’s something of an icon thanks to Peter Jackson, non-native species, pest eradication and general ugliness (which really can’t be helped now, can it?) have all contributed to the sad plight of the weta. There are actually over 70 species of weta, with 16 being endangered or at risk. The giant weta was thought to be extinct, but a new population was recently found. They aren’t the cutest bugs around, but they are harmless and besides, they put up with your mug, don’t they?

FW: [Release Tension] 10 jenis lipan terbesar di dunia

 1. Lipan Galapagos

Scolopendra galapagoensis (lipan raksasa Galapagos) yang terbesar bersaiz 30-40 cm panjang 44-46 cm.
Kawasan habibat : di Kepulauan Galapagos Island Santa Cruz , di daerah pesisir Ekuador , Peru selatan, di Kepulauan Cook.
Warna hitam raksasa lintibang di Raja. Terdapat juga penemuan jenis ini yang berukuran 62 cm.

2. Lipan Peru

Scolopendra Caribiaenensis di pulau Curacao , Holland Anttilles telah ditemui bersaiz hingga 41-42 cm. dari individu liar.
Kawasan habitat : Karibia pulau Trinidad, Amerika Selatan, Peru, Ekuador, Brazil, the Amazon River Basin negara dan daerah.

3. Lipan Amazon

Scolopendra gigantea Robusta (Lipan raksasa amazon) mempunyai panjang 25-30 cm.
Kawasan habitat : Brazil , Ekuador , Peru , the Amazon River Basin negara dan daerah.
Umumnya badan berwarna merah, hitam sebagai individu, adalah hasil dari setiap perbezaan warna berubah, dan lainnya adalah hitam individu sebenarnya lipan raksasa Galapagos.
Paling meyakinkan adalah yang paling banyak disirkulasikan foto masing-masing sepanjang 44 cm, jauh lebih besar daripada mana-mana lipan amazon raksasa.
4. Lipan Puertorico

Scolopendra sp.cf.crudelis (Lipan raksasa puerto rico) mempunyai panjang 20-25 cm.
Kawasan habitat : di Karibia, Puerto Rico , Haiti dan negara-negara lain dan daerah amerika selatan.

5. Lipan Vietnam

Scolopendra subspinipes (lipan raksasa Vietnam ) mempunyai 18-25 cm panjang.
Kawasan habitat : hutan hujan vietnam

6. Lipan Malayu

Scolopendra subspinipes ssp. (lipan raksasa malayu) mempunyai 18-20 cm panjang.
Kawasan habitat : di Malaysia, Indonesia. 
7. Lipan Pasifik

Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani (Hastelloy lintibang) mempunyai 16-20 cm panjang.
Kawasan habitat : secara luas di negara-negara barat dan wilayah Pasifik, banyak jenis lintibang, kerana distribusi Scolopendra subspinipes berdekatan dengan daerah Tropika, sehingga badan juga lebih besar.
Di wilayah Kepulauan Solomon masing-masing panjang lebih dari 20 cm.
8. Lipan Amerika Utara

Scolopendra heros (lipan raksasa di Amerika Utara) mempunyai 18-20 cm panjang.
Kawasan habitat : Amerika Utara, biasanya di daerah bersuhu tinggi.

                                                        9. Lipan China

Scolopendra subspinipes subspinipes ( China naga merah lintibang, multi-duri lipan raksasa, China naga merah) mempunyai panjang 14-20 cm.
Kawasan habitat : Sub-Tropika China selatan, di daerah di China, kerana badan gelap merah, juga dikenali sebagai lintibang Kuno di Buku “Tianlong”, digabungkan dengan otot tubuh, yang bernama “naga merah”, yang dengan karakteristik China.
Bahagian dari daratan yang dekat dengan pulau tropika masing-masing dapat mencapai saiz 20 cm

10. Lipan Jepun

Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans (Scolopendra lintibang / China berambut pirang lintibang)
Kawasan habitat : di Jepun dan China juga, yang terletak di Okinawa , Jepun, masing-masing daerah dapat 20 cm.

FW: [Release Tension] Cool Sketches Combination with Real Life

FW: [Release Tension] Top 10 Unusual Hotels #jom!!

We’ve all seen, or stayed at, the typical “Holiday Inn” type of hotel. A vacation should be an experience that, from start to finish, is filled with fun, excitement and relaxation. Here’s a look at some unique hotel destinations that can seem like an adventure in themselves.

The Giraffe Manor
Nairobi, Kenya
The Giraffe Manor was built in 1932, by Sir David Duncan, and modeled after a Scottish hunting lodge. Located in Nairobi , with a view of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the Ngong Hills, it is located on 115 acres. The manor was opened, in 1984, as a hotel. The Rothschild giraffes were moved onto the property after the loss of their natural habitat, and now they thrive there. Staying at this giraffe sanctuary will allow you the opportunity of having the giraffes come right to your window, where you can hand-feed them and take pictures.

The Library Hotel
Manhattan, New York
For those with a love of books and learning, the Library Hotel is for you. The floors are set according to the 10 main categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification system. They have arts, religion, philosophy, math and more. Included in the rooms are books from the theme of each floor.
Karostas Cietums Hotel
Liepaja, Latvia
The Karostas Cietums started as a Russian prison and remains much the same now as it was then. Your stay includes being handcuffed and led to your jail cell, stripped of your belongings, fed bread and water and allotted a bed of wood or iron mattresses. The hotel is only open from May 1 to October 1 each year. There have been reports that this is a haunted hotel, so in your cell you can expect to hear eerie noises, and maybe even see some of the former prisoners.
Utter Inn
Lake Malaren, Sweden
The Utter Inn is an art project by Mikael Genberg. It looks like a red garden shed stuck in the middle of the lake. The bedroom is located three meters below the lake, and is accessible by ladder. There are windows all around for fish viewing. Above water is a small deck to lounge on, and a row boat to explore the lake, or the island nearby.
Propeller Island City Lodge
Berlin, Germany
This strange hotel is the work of artist Lars Stroschen. Each room has a different theme. There is a flying bed room, which has slanted floors and a levitated bed; the upside down room, which features all the furniture on the ceiling and a trapdoor on the floor that you climb down to find your sleeping accommodations; they also have a padded room that is covered in green leather padding, from top to bottom. For those who have vampiric tendencies, they also offer a room with coffins as beds.
Hotel de Glase
Quebec, Canada
Each December, artists start constructing this unique hotel. Open from January 7 to March 27 each year, the hotel requires 400 tons of ice and 12,000 tons of snow, and is redesigned and rebuilt each year. Everything you see at this hotel is made of ice, including the fireplaces and the glasses to drink from. They do have heated washrooms and outdoor hot tubs. The hotel also offers a wedding chapel, which is considered a top 10 wedding location.
Das Park Hotel
Osterreich, Austria

We’ve all seen the big concrete sewer tubes waiting to be installed during construction work, and now Das Park gives the opportunity to stay in one of these tubes. Each weighs 9.5 tons and needs little up-keep, just a coat of varnish to help keep the moisture from cracking the cement.
Austrian artist, Thomas Latzel Ochoa, lends his touch to the inside of the tubes to make them a bit friendlier. The concrete stays cool on the inside and makes for a nice summer retreat. Das Park is open from May to October, and the rates are on a “pay what you think the stay was worth” type of system.
V8 Hotel
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
The V8 hotel is the perfect destination for car enthusiasts. Located in the city’s first airport, this hotel offers car themed rooms, including a Mercedes Benz car wash, Morris Minor Garage and a Route 66 theme. The beds follow the room theme by either looking like a continuation of the road, or a car. The whole hotel, from reception to the restaurant, features car memorabilia. 

Capsule Hotel
Den Haag, Netherlands

These bright orange oil rig survival pods are located in The Hague . While they aren’t very big, they do offer sleeping bags for 3 people (silk-lined ones for the more upscale package). Capsule Hotel offers a James Bond basic survival package, and an upgraded version that features a library of all the 007 movies, silk sheets, champagne and a disco ball. Bikes are included for sightseeing around the area. Those prone to seasickness should probably not stay here as the pods tend to sway constantly.

Hang Nga Hotel
Da Lat, Vietnam

Hang Nga Hotel (or “crazy house,” as it’s been dubbed by the locals) is hidden away in the mountain town of Da Lat. The house is considered one of the most unusual pieces of architecture in Vietnam , where they tend not to have too much unconventional architecture. A random assortment of cubbyholes and rooms that twist and turn are pieced together with bridges to form a maze-type place. The house also contains caged birds, spiderweb creations, enormous animals and other curiosities that create a fairytale like atmosphere.
